Who WE Are
Madison Team
David Lippiatt
David is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee with degrees in Philosophy and International Relations, and has a certificate in Foreign Policy from Oxford University.
David’s favorite part about WE International is the people. He has had a heart for the nations for the last 20 years having mobilized more than 1,000 people to work globally. He speaks nationally on the issues of poverty, injustice and economic/community development. He recently served on the board of Teachers for Africa.
His faith, heart of compassion and desire for justice is the driving force behind what causes him to respond to the overwhelming amount of global poverty and injustice issues affecting women, children and men in less developed countries.
Tina Lippiattt
Office Manager//Co-Founder

Joy Hartl
Administrative Assistant
Joy is a UW- Madison alumni with a passion for serving people and seeing justice ring out.
Uganda Team
Robert Wafula
Uganda Country Director
Robert oversees our onsite WE Empower, WE Sustain, and WE Educate programs in the communities of Lingira, Jinja, and Musima, Uganda.
Robert is a native of Lingira Island in Uganda, which is part of the Buvuma Islands chain on Lake Victoria. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Makerere University and a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership and Management from Uganda Christian University.
Robert has worked to help the people in Uganda since 2002. When WE International was founded in 2006, Robert became the director of services for his country.
“My vision is to affirm the dignity of Ugandans through empowering them to impact their communities by promoting and providing economic development, educational opportunity, and medical services while advocating for justice in Uganda.” says Robert.
Sam Okorth
Office Manager for WE International Uganda
Annet Nyangoma
Neema Child Center Director and Team Hosting Staff - Uganda
Annet takes in orphan and at-risk children and directs the Neema child sponsorship, and runs developmental programs for children in communities around Jinja, Uganda, Africa.
Annet Ajambo
Director of Feminine Hygiene Initiative - Uganda